Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lactation Cookies Recipe

Recipe contributed by Krista, photograph by Kari.

1cup butter (softened)
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
4 tablespoons of water
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons brewer's yeast
3 cup rolled oats
1 cup chocolate chips

Soak the flaxseed in the water for a few minutes to soften.
Mix dry ingrediants.
Cream together butter and sugar, add eggs, flaxseed and vanilla.
Add to dry ingredients.

Drop on cookie sheet .
Bake 8 - 12 minutes on 375ยบ.


  1. if only I was still breastfeeding. Just read your post on the blogfrog, so I wanted to give you some comment luv!

  2. Shannon, you can eat them anyway. They are full of healthy stuff and most importantly... yumminess.

  3. Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to make them for my sweet friend who is due any day.

  4. soo good - gonna try dried cranberries and nuts in them along with Dark Choc chips this time. Did notice more milk when eating. Also was worried I had cut back too much on my calorie in take while nursing which was hurting my supply. These cookies help there too.

  5. Made them last week. This makes a pretty big batch! And I must admit DH and DD had a couple but I ate the rest myself- soo yummy!

  6. The cookies in the photo have butterscotch chips instead of chocolate. They're like lactation oatmeal scotchies.... and they are SOOOOOO good. Krista's recipe is delicious! My whole family likes them.

  7. I plan on making these in a bout a month. I will be taking them to a girl at school when she gets home from the hospital. I really hope to encourage her to BF. And give her all the help I can.

  8. My friend made these for me a few nights ago. Can't get enough! They're baking in the oven right now. Yummy!!!!

  9. Just a quick note:
    I altered this recipe a bit to give it less sugar and more punch. I took out 1/4 c of both types of sugar for a 1/2 c decrease in sugar. I also doubled both the flax and the brewer's yeast.
    They didn't taste any different as far as I could tell.

  10. I decreased the sugar too and it was fine. I've also tried it with all whole wheat, they ended up super heavy and like hockey pucks. Don't recommend trying that.

  11. Where can I find brewers yeast?

  12. Can I use baker's yeast instead of brewer's yeast?

  13. These are actually really delicious.. unfortunately there are no grocery stores in my area that carry Brewer's yeast so I went ahead and used baker's yeast. And also thru in some finely grated Fenugreek, Nettle and Fennel. Still taste very good! Careful how much you dip out because these things get huge. I placed small dollops and ended up with a giant sheet of cookie.. lol. This recipe definiately makes a lot. Hubby said they are good but he cant get past the maple syrup taste from the fenugreek (which I do not taste..) Next batch I will try to find Brewer's Yeast and decrease the sugar. Overall very good. The more and more I eat the more they taste like fresh chocolate chip cookies.

  14. Would this work the same with gluten free flour?

  15. Hmmmm, tempted to try to veganise this. I mean, if I *have* to eat cookies so be it ;)

  16. You can find brewer's yeast at a health food store (it is not normally found in regular grocery stores). I don't think you can substitute baker's yeast for brewer's yeast. Baker's yeast has leavening agents in it and will make the cookies rise more than they should. They call for brewer's yeast because of the nutritional value.


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