
Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Been Great But TLB is Moving On

Blogger and I have had a long and beautiful friendship, after my days bogging in Xanga, blogger was like a breath of fresh air.  It's been great but I'm moving on.  I've finally made the jump and from now on will be using for all my blog posts moving forward.  It's still under construction and I am excited about some of the plans for the website.  All the posts from here have been moved to the website so you can still find all your favorite old posts.  This has been in the works for some time now and I'd been planning to move it for the New Year.  Excited it's finally happening and I owe a huge thank you to Chuck and Sheri from Road Trips For Families for helping me make the move and dealing with my complete ineptitude with all things technical.  Please bookmark the new site, subscribe to the feedburner or google reader and visit the website often.

Thank you!



  1. Are you going to add the google follow widget to the new site? I love reading my blogs through Google Reader... but of course will follow regardless!

  2. We got it up! Things are slowly getting added to the new site, hopefully it will just keep getting better and better.
